09 AUG 2014
Using UV Sterilizers For Reef Tanks
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Aquatics | Aquael | Fish | Aquarium Filters | Marine Aquariums
Successful reef tanks require a delicate balance and hard work to keep all their inhabitants healthy. A UV sterilizer may make it easier to keep your tank clean, but ease of use doesn't matter if it disrupts that crucial balance. A clear view of the risks and benefits will help you know if this type of filtration system is right for your tank. How A UV Sterilizer Works These filtration systems work by drawing up a small amount of tank water at a time, usually through a powerhead motor, and passing it over a UV bulb. The procedure kills fungi, algae, bacteria, parasites and sometimes viruses, depending on the strength of the bulb and the amount of time the water spends under UV light. Some UV systems claim to kill as much as 99 percent of the organisms that pass through them. The system can help hobbyists prevent disease and parasites in their tanks and get a handle on algae blooms. Effect on Supplemental Products In addition to killing harmful organisms, UV li.. [More] corals in nano aquarium.jpg
Tags : Using UV Sterilizers For Reef Tanks in South Africa , UV Sterlizers South Africa , Nano aquariums South Africa , Reef Tanks South Africa , Tropical Aquariums South Africa , Fish Tank South Africa Comment 0 Comments
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